Nineteen personals from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, SEAFDEC/TD and SEAFDEC/MFRDMD participated in a five-day “Regional Training and Workshop on Chondrichthyan Taxonomy, Biology and Data Collection” from 16-20 June 2019 at MFRDMD in Terengganu, Malaysia. Most of them are involving in data collection of shark and ray landings in their countries. The training was conducted by Dr. Ahmad Ali, a Senior Research and Regional Vice Chair IUCN Sharks Specialist Group for Southeast Asian Region. The training was started on the first day with lectures on taxonomy and biology of elasmobranchs, the important of data collection at species level as well as and status of sharks and rays in the region. On the second and third day, participants were guided to identify 39 and 40 fresh specimens of sharks and rays respectively. During the workshop on data management in the fourth day, participants were guided to key-in landing data using excel by Mr Rosdi Mohd Nor from MFRDMD. The participants were then guided to analysis keyed data using pivot table application. Finally on the fifth day, participants were introduced a new SEAFDEC Shark Database Software for management of shark project at regional level by Mr. Rakkiet Punsri from TD. Based on the observation during the training, most participants showed improvement in their knowledge on sharks and rays taxonomy and biology as well as data management. Specimens used during the training are now preserved at SEAFDEC/MFRDMD depository in Terengganu for future reference.