Mac 2020
Nineteen personals from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, SEAFDEC/TD and SEAFDEC/MFRDMD participated in a five-day “Regional Training and Workshop on Chondrichthyan Taxonomy, Biology and Data Collection” from 16-20 June 2019 at MFRDMD in Terengganu, Malaysia. Most of them are involving in data collection of shark and ray landings in their countries. The…
Logical Framework (Logframe) as a planning tool was introduced by Donors (e.g. USAID, GTZ) earlier. In its further development, the tool became known as Project Cycle Management (PCM) in 1993. Since then, PCM has been widely used for project formulation and implementation, particularly by UN Organizations, Donor Agencies and the World Bank. In the implementation…
Internal workshop for comparative This Internal workshop was held to discuss on the outline of terminal report for purse seine project, to share the latest information about the project activity of stock assessment and genetic study, to share the latest information on stock assessment and otolith study. During this workshop we also discussed about way…